
辣木油抗紫外线性能研究 被引量:25

Study on Anti-ultraviolet Properties of Moringa leifera Oil
摘要 研究辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam.)种子油抗紫外线的性能。采用冷榨法、精制法和溶剂浸提法制得未精制油、精制油和溶剂油3种样品,溶于石油醚中制成不同质量浓度的待测液,上机测定紫外最大吸收波长。用40W紫外灯照射待测液,上机进行紫外吸收带的测定、10%辣木油吸收紫外线能力的测定、0.1%辣木油吸光度的测定。结果显示其紫外最大吸收波长为212nm;未精制油和溶剂油的抗紫外线性能比精制油好;10%~30%的辣木油可抵抗UVB、UVC射线,30%~100%的可抵抗UVA、UVB和UVC射线;10%的辣木油对短波和部分中波紫外射线有吸收作用;0.1%的辣木油能吸收UVC波段射线。表明辣木油具有抗紫外线性能。 Three oil samples: cold-pressed oil, refined oil, and organic solvent oil were diluted by petroleum ether into different mass concentrations and irradiated by 40 WUV rays. The absorption bands, UV absorption ability of 10% Moringa oleifera oil, and absorbance of 0.1% Moringa oleifera oil were determined. The results showed that the maximum absorption wavelength is 212 urn; cold-pressed oil and organic solvent oil show better anti-UV ability than refined oil; 10%-30% Moringa oleifera oil can resist UVB and UVC while 30%-100% Moringa oleifera oil can resist UVA, UVB, and UVC; 10% Moringa oleifera oil can absorb short-wavelength UV and partrial mid-wavelength UV; 0.1% Moringa oleifera oil can absorb UVC. The results demonstrated that Moringa oleifera oil own the character of anti-UV ability.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第9期118-121,共4页 Food Science
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项资助项目(200704007) “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD18B04)
关键词 辣木油:紫外线 透光率 吸光度 Moringa oleifera oil UV rays transmittance absorbance
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