
基于嵌入式文件系统的媒体文件快照技术 被引量:1

MSnap-a Media File Snapshot Technique Based on Embedded File System
摘要 目前嵌入式文件系统的可靠性是嵌入式系统开发中较为重要的环节,然而其设计与开发往往受限于其严格的内存、处理器、以及I/O的限制,而且一些额外的复杂性管理与磁盘的延迟都会直接影响嵌入式文件系统的性能。为了提高系统的稳定性与可靠性,本文提出了一种基于嵌入式Ext2文件系统同步与异步I/O并存的媒体文件快照存储系统(MSFS),其主要技术是MSnap(媒体数据虚拟视图快照技术)。不同于其他的快照技术,这种技术不需要大容量的快照数据卷以及复杂的操作就能够很好的提供文件系统的可靠性与稳定性。文章的最后给出了该技术应用后与传统操作系统的实验数据对比情况。 File system reliability has always been a strong concern in the embedded operating system.However,embedded systems usually have very strict memory,processor,and I/O limitations that must play factors in designing an embedded system.Moreover,the cost of additional system management complexity and disk latency are the key factors that directly affect the file system performance.Because of these problems and limits,we propose an embedded media meta-data snapshot storage file system(MSFS)for the ext2 file system,which based on the asynchronous/synchronous I/O coexisted strategy of media file storage,in μCLinux kernel 2.4.26.The main technique of this File system is MSnap(meta-date virtual view snapshot technique).Unlike other snapshot technologies;it dose not needs massive snapshot volume and complexity implementation.Experimental results show that MSnap induces less overhead and has higher performance,reliability than traditional snapshot system.
出处 《微计算机应用》 2008年第11期66-71,共6页 Microcomputer Applications
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划"中国互动新媒体网络与新业务科技工程"(2008BAH28B04) 中科院声学研究所创新前瞻项目"面向数字媒体服务的自治式软件体系架构研究" 课题编号GS12CXJ01
关键词 快照 同步 异步 嵌入式操作系统 snapshot,asynchronous,synchronous,embedded system
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