
“尊重自然”何以可能 被引量:2

On "Respect for Nature" and its Realization
摘要 "尊重自然"在当代社会无疑是具有感染力和吸引力的道德呼声,但其实质内涵却有待辨明。本文指出,尽管"尊重自然"往往被类比于康德所言的"尊重人"之要求,但基于康德主义的阐释和论证难以成立。从德性伦理的视角来把握"尊重自然"的道德意蕴,亦即将其理解为一种道德品性,更具理论的合理性和实践的可行性。 "Respect for nature" is undoubtedly a moral voice that has a strong appeal in the contemporary society but its nature and implications still remain controversial. The paper points out that "respect for nature" is often regarded analogous to Kant's "respect for man", but it cannot be interpreted and expounded by Kantism. The interpretation of the moral implications of "respect for nature" as a moral quality seems to hold water either theoretically and practicably.
作者 周治华
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第6期77-81,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 尊重自然 康德主义 德性伦理 respect for nature Kantism moral ethics
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