
运动液滴蒸发时传热传质过程的理论分析 被引量:12

Theoretical Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer of Moving Droplet during Evaporation
摘要 对突然置入气体环境中的运动液滴的非稳态蒸发过程进行了传热传质过程的理论分析,建立了初始瞬间液滴非稳态蒸发的数学模型,并对模型进行数值求解。结果表明,在一定情况下,运动液滴突然置于气体环境中的初始瞬间,由于气液界面上与周围环境之间存在较大的浓度差,使得液滴在初始瞬间的蒸发速率很大,将会使气液界面的温度有所下降,这一温度的下降范围与液滴的初始温度、环境的初始温度以及液滴的运动速度有关。 Theoretical analysis of heat and mass transfer is developed for the unsteady evaporation of a moving droplet which is suddenly placed into the gas circumstances. A mathematical model is proposed for the unsteady evaporation process of a droplet at the first moment and is solved by numerical method. The results indicate that the evaporation rate is very high for a moving droplet suddenly placed into the gas circumstance at the initial moment, which can make the temperature of droplet surface decline. The scope of the temperature decline is concerned with the initial temperature of the droplet, gas circumstances, and the initial velocity of the moving droplet as well.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期10-14,共5页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET)资助
关键词 液滴蒸发 传热传质 理论分析 dmplet evaporation heat and mass transfer theoretical analysis
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