
太仓口岸出入境人员传染病监测结果分析 被引量:9

Surveillance on Infectious Diseases among Entry-exit Personnels at Taicang Port
摘要 〔目的〕了解太仓口岸出入境人员传染病感染清况,从而有效地开展传染病监测工作。〔方法〕对太仓口岸2003—2007年出入境人员的传染病监测资料进行统计分析。〔结果〕2003—2007年共监测出入境人员4476名,检出各种传染病400例,总检出率为8.94%。其中HBsAg阳性354例,HCV-Ab阳性30例,梅毒8例,HIV-Ab阳性7例,活动性肺结核1例。〔结论〕HBsAg阳性是太仓口岸出入境人员中流行的主要传染病。加强出入境人员的传染病监测,加大卫生知识宣传咨询力度,提高出入境人员的自我防范意识,以及制定有效防治措施,将有利于防止传染病在国际间的传播。 Objective To understand the status of infectious diseases among entry-exit personnels at Taicang port, and to monitor infectious disease effectively. Method The data of infectious disease surveillance among entry-exit personnel at Taicang port during 2002 to 2007 were analyzed. Result During 2002 to 2007, among 4 476 entry-exit personnel, 400 subject were positive, the detection rate was 8.94%. In which, 354 cases were HBsAg positive, 30 cases were HCV-Ab positive, 8 cases were syphilis positive1 7 cases were anti-HIV positive, and 1 cases were found to be active pulmonary luberculosis. Conclusion HBsAg is the major infectious diseases of entry-exit personnels at Taicang port. It is very important to strengthen the monitoring of infectious disease and health consultation for entry-exit personnels, to improve public consciousness of health care, and to work effective prevention and control measures to prevent infectious diseases from spreading.
出处 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2008年第5期311-312,344,共3页 Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine
关键词 传染病 监测 出入境人员 Infectious diseases Surveillance Entry-exit personnel
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