
变电站电力设施抗震措施研究现状与发展趋势 被引量:113

Progress and Development Trend on Seismic Measures of Electric Power Equipments in Transformer Substation
摘要 综述了国内外典型变电站电力设施在地震灾害中的破坏情况,总结了其破坏的类型和原因,分析了目前国内外采用的两种抗震措施:第一种是传统的加强建(构)筑物和其他电力设施自身的强度、刚度,来抵抗地震作用,且这种抗震措施在过去抗地震灾害中发挥了巨大作用,但是这种抗震措施在遭遇到设定范围的"强烈地震"作用时,尽管建(构)筑物可以保证不倒,却难以保证建(构)筑物内部重要电力设施的完好,并且此时建(构)筑物已经丧失了基本功能;第二种为目前逐渐受到重视的一种抗震措施,即采用隔震减震措施,通过隔震装置或其他附属装置在地震作用下率先进入消能或耗能状态,消耗掉大量的地震能量,只有少量的地震能量输入到建(构)筑物及其内部重要电力设施上,从而避免电力设施的破坏,使其在强烈地震作用下依然可以正常运行。隔震减震技术在民用建筑上已经成熟,但电力设施采用隔震减震措施还需要攻克许多难关,因此开展变电站电力设施的隔震减震应用研究具有重要意义。 The damaged types and reasons of electric power facilities in transformer substation home and abroad under destructive earthquake were summarized. The two kinds of seismic-resistant measures were put forward to deal with the damage of the electric power facilities. The first measure is the traditional seismic-resistant design way that the strength and stiffness of the building and important electric equipments in the building and other facilities are strengthened against the earthquake action, and the measure has already taken a great role against strong earthquake action in the past decades. But the measure can't ensure the basal function of the building and operating of other important equipments in the building under pre-defined rating strong earthquake. The second measure that adopts isolating technology gets more and more attention. The operating principle of the measure is that the isolating apparatuses between the super-structure and the base or other affiliated apparatuses on the building firstly carries out energy-dissipating action and dissipates a lot of inputting earthquake energy under strong earthquake action, then only less energy was input to super-structure of the building or other electric power facilities so that it can protect the building and equipments in the building or other facilities. Although the isolating technology is widety used in civil building, but it is difficult to be applied in electric power facilities for a lot of puzzles existing in application. It has important and practical significance to carry out isolating application research of electric power facilities in transformer substation.
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第22期84-89,共6页 Power System Technology
关键词 电力设施 抗震措施 隔震减震措施 变电站 electric power facilities seismic-resistantmeasure isolating measure substation
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