
气候变迁对中国东北森林影响的初步研究 被引量:8

The Preliminary Study on the Effect of the Northeast China Forests under the Climate Change
摘要 研究了气候变迁对中国东北森林的影响,提出气候变迁与东北森林生态系统的长、中、短期响应的初步估计.(1)关于CO2浓度的监测.长白山地区的CO2浓度处于与全球平均一致的增长中,年均增长1.7×10-6,并呈季节性周期变化.(2)关于瞬时响应.多因子多组合光合实验表明,在常见温度范围内,CO2浓度加倍可使各建群树种的净光合速率增加,短期内可使树木生产力提高50%~75%;主要树种在最适温区,温度增减5℃造成的光合速率变化小于30%.(3)关于中时间尺度响应.1000多个树木年轮样条与相应气候条件对应分析表明,东北主要树木生长与短时段升温一般没有显著相关,但不可逆的气候变暖或变冷则与树木生长密切相关.在特定区域,气候变暖1℃可使树木年轮宽增加约50%.(4)关于森林分布的远景.运用KIRA的温暖指数分析可知,2℃增温可使现有森林各分布带普遍上移300m.(5)森林生态系统的生长演替PATCH动态模拟表明:各森林分布带的生产力(中时间尺度以上)的提高程度大不相同,山上部和山中部森林的生产力提高明显,森林树种组成(长时间尺度)发生很大变化.温带阔叶红松林将以落叶阔叶树占优势地位,兴安落叶松林将为蒙古栎林替代.由于可能? This paper studied the climate change effected the northeast China forests,pointed out that the northeast China forest ecolosystem in long mid and short terms is preliminary estimated under the climate change.(1) About the measure of the consistency of CO 2.The consistency of CO 2 in Changbai Mountain area is in the increasing with the average of the whole world and the annual increasing is 1.7mm,changing seasonly.(2)About short time respond.The photosynthesis test with various factors and groups showed that under usual temperature range,doubles as much the consistency of CO 2 can increase the photosynthesis rate among the group trees so that the tree production increased 50%~70%.For the main species under the suitable temperature,increasing or decreasing 5%,the photosynthesis will be less than 30%.(3)About the mid range time respond.Testing over 1000 samples of trees growth rings and analyzing related climate conditions,the result showed that the northeast main trees'growth was not obvious related with short time temperatrue increasing.But for unreversible warm or cool,the climate change was related with tree growth in special area,warming 1℃ of the climate the tree growth ring increased about 50%.(4)About the range of forests with the KIRA warm index analyzing,it showed that warming 2℃,each forest range belt moved up 300m.(5)The subsitute movable model of forest ecolosystem growing showed that the production of each range mid belt increased differently,the forest production of the forest up and mid parts was obviously increased and the composition of the forest species changed greatly.Deciduous broadleaf trees (Pinus koraiensis) were superior in temperature zone.Mongolia oak forests (Quercus mongolica) are superior in Xinganling broadleaf forests,comparing with deciduous larch. (Carix gmelimi) Because of drying the area of suitable forest is decreasing.When the temperature reaches another balance,the forest production will decreae so that the death and demand of the biology will happen.It is because of the speed of natural turnover is less than that of climate change.
出处 《吉林林学院学报》 1997年第2期63-69,共7页
关键词 气候变行 模拟模型 森林动态 响应 森林生态系统 Climate change,Simulated model,Forests trends,Respond
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