
快速成型技术与模型外科在陈旧性颧眶骨折整复中的应用 被引量:6

The clinical application of rapid prototyping and model surgery in malunited zygomatico-orbital fracture
摘要 目的:探讨快速成型技术及模型外科在陈旧性颧眶骨折整复中的应用效果。方法:陈旧性颧眶骨折患者8例,手术前拍摄薄层CT,并以快速成型技术制造头颅模型。在模型上模拟手术截骨和复位,制作复位导板并预制钛板形态。手术中按术前模拟设计截骨,在导板引导下复位,钛板同定。结果:所有患者伤15均一期愈合,无出血、感染、面神经损伤等并发症。随访3-6个月,患者面形基本对称,咬合关系及开闭口功能正常,手术效果满意。结论:应用快速成型技术及模型外科使整复陈旧性颧眶骨折手术的目的性和准确性提高,明显缩短了手术时间,减少了手术创伤,对外形的恢复更理想。 PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of manufacturing 3-dimensional skull model with rapid prototyping and model surgery technique in malunited zygomatieo-orbital fracture. METHODS: The data were obtained by computerized tomography scanning with thin layer, 3-dimensional skull models of 8 patients were made by rapid prototyping technique. The analogical osteotomy and reposition were carried out on the model, and guide plate and preshaping titanium plates were prepared before the operation. Finally, the operation was completed based on the preoperative design. RESULTS: Malformations of all 8 patients were corrected successfully without infection, bleeding and damage of nerves, occlusion and jaw movement were normal, all patients obtained satisfactory results. CONCLUSION: Rapid prototyping and model surgery can improve the accuracy and purposefulness of reeonstructing the zygomatico-orbital complex, shorten the time of operation, minimize the surgical trauma and regenerate a symmetrical face satisfactorily.
出处 《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2008年第6期421-424,共4页 China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
关键词 快速成型技术 模型外科 颧眶复合体 陈旧性骨折 Rapid prototyping technique Model surgery Zygomatico-orbital complex long-standing fracture
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