
红外图像实时生成系统的实时性实现 被引量:1

Real-time Realization of Real-time Infrared Image Generation System
摘要 针对红外图像实时生成系统的实时性需求,从高帧频图像实时生成、图像数据实时传输、实时控制三个方面对系统中与实时性相关的关键环节进行了探讨。通过选用高品质的图形工作站、搭建高速通信网络、图像实时生成软件的实时性设计和实时操作系统VxWorks与硬件的无缝连接等措施,使系统实现了高实时性。论证表明,采用这些措施可以在Windows XP操作平台上生成128×128像元、200 Hz以上帧频的逼真红外图像。 Considering the real - time requirement of the real - time infrared image generation system, the aspects related to the real- time quality in the system are discussed such as the real -time generation of high frame frequency image, real - time transport of image data, real - time control. High real - time quality is realized by use of high performance graphics workstation, the design of high speed real - time communi- cation reflective memory network, the real - time design of the real - time image generation software, and the seamless connection of real - time operating system VxWorks and hardware. The results indicate that 128 × 128 pixels, more than 200Hz frame frequency vivid infrared image can be generated when these methods are adopted.
出处 《电讯技术》 2008年第11期38-42,共5页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60572061) 某院重点平台建设项目(WX07233)
关键词 计算机仿真 红外图像 实时图像生成系统 反射内存 无缝连接 computer simulation infrared image real - time image generation system reflective memory seamless connection
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