
略论东方白鹳的繁殖分布区域的扩展 被引量:20

The New Breeding Range and Subpopulations of the Oriental Stork
摘要 The Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana) used to be thought breeding mainly in north Far East region including NE China and the far eastern Russia~ [1~6] . Whereas,from the beginning of the 21st century,cases of nesting effort of the stork were successively reported from eastern and central southern China,the region that constantly holding most of the wintering individuals of the bird~ [4~6] ,with the localities of the Yellow River estuary in Shangdong by the Yellow Sea,Gaoyou and Dafeng of N Jiangsu,and,along the lower branch of the Yangtze River such as at Wangjiang in S Anhui and at Poyang,Yugan,and Jinxian of the SE part of Poyang lake in N Jiangxi~ [12~14] . At the Yellow River estuary,one pair of the stork found nesting on electricity pylon in 2003,then,2 pairs in 2005 and 7 pairs in 2006. In 2007,16 nests were found and in total of 48 chicks observed hatched and well raised,then,in 2008,15 pairs with 42 or 43 raised chicks at least. As it is reported that,during 2004-2006,in total of 11 nests of the stork,also built on top of electricity pylons (over 45 m high),were found at Wangjiang of S Anhui~ [14] ,whereas,due to human disturbance,only with 12 chicks could virtually get out of the nests~ [15,16] . The Oriental Stork found as summer residents around Poyang lake was in 2002,with 13 birds recorded,then 25 birds in 2003~ [12] . In 2004,2 pairs of the stork found nesting on pylon with 4 chicks raised. In 2007,5 pairs were found nesting on pylon at three localities (counties),Poyang,Yugan,and Jinxian,of the southeastern area of the lake,with 13 chicks getting out of the nests in safety and 2 other chicks falling down onto the ground then being transferred to Nanchang zoo for captive raising. Then,in early March 2008,we found 3 pairs started nesting on pylon at Poyang and Jinxian and observed birds mating in the nest,but,due to human disturbance,only 4-5 chicks,from 2 nests,were successfully raised. In fact,10 years have passed since the first attempt of one pair stork found nesting on electricity pylon in Taiwan in 1998,showing the bird started trying to breed in relatively lower latitude region of East Asia where historically being the wintering area of the bird,and,we thought that until now two new breeding subpopulations of the stork might hence be properly recognized being established,one at the Yellow River estuary and one along the lower branch of the Yangtze River,with a remarkable characteristic that all the birds in the two subpopulations are to prefer nesting on pylons,and they did it quite well,if there is no human disturbance. According to the latest factsheet on the Oriental Stork quite recently issued by BirdLife International,the whole world population of mature birds of the stork is currently estimated to be of 1 000-2 499 individuals only,so,number of each new subpopulation is to reach to 1% of its world population,with the whole breeding range of the bird,formerly estimated of about 474 000 km^2 ,much southward extended. The Oriental Stork (Ciconia boyciana ) used to be thought breeding mainly in north Far East region including NE China and the far eastern Russia . Whereas, from the beginning of the 21st century, cases of nesting effort of the stork were successively reported from eastern and central southern China, the region that constantly holding most of the wintering individuals of the bird[4-6~ ,with the localities of the Yellow River estuary in Shangdong by the Yellow Sea, Gaoyou and Dafeng of N Jiangsu, and, along the lower branch of the Yangtze River such as at Wangjiang in S Anhui and at Poyang, Yugan, and Jinxian of the SE part of Poyang lake in N Jiangxi . At the Yellow River estuary, one pair of the stork found nesting on electricity pylon in 2003, then, 2 pairs in 2005 and 7 pairs in 2006. In 2007,16 nests were found and in total of 48 chicks observed hatched and well raised, then, in 2008,15 pairs with 42 or 43 raised chicks at least. The Oriental Stork found as summer residents around Poyang lake was in 2002, with 13 birds recorded, then 25 birds in 2003 . In 2004,2 pairs of the stork found nesting on pylon with 4 chicks raised. In 2007,5 pairs were found nesting on pylon at three localities (counties), Poyang, Yugan, and Jinxian, of the southeastern area of the lake, with 13 chicks getting out of the nests in safety and 2 other chicks falling down onto the ground then being transferred to Nanchang zoo for captive raising. Then, in early March 2008, we found 3 pairs started nesting on pylon at Poyang and Jinxian and observed birds mating in the nest, but, due to human disturbance, only 4 - 5 chicks, from 2 nests, were successfully raised. In fact, 10 years have passed since the first attempt of one pair stork found nesting on electricity pylon in Taiwan in 1998, showing the bird started trying to breed in relatively lower latitude region of East Asia where historically being the wintering area of the bird, and, we thought that until now two new breeding subpopulations of the stork might hence be properly recognized being established, one at the Yellow River estuary and one along the lower branch of the Yangtze River,with a remarkable characteristic that all the birds in the two subpopulations are to prefer nesting on pylons, and they did it quite well, if there is no human disturbance. According to the latest factsheet on the Oriental Stork quite recently issued by BirdLite International,the whole world population of mature birds of the stork is currently estimated to be of 1 000 - 2 499 individuals only, so, number of each new subpopulation is to reach to 1% of its world population, with the whole breeding range of the bird, formerly estimated of about 474 000 km^2 , much southward extended.
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期154-157,共4页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
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  • 1郑作新.中国鸟类分布目录(第二版).北京:科学出版社,1978.727.
  • 2Inskipp T, Lindsey N, Duckworth W. An Annotated Checklist of the Birds of the Oriental Region. UK : Oriental Bird Club, 1996,107.
  • 3Collar N J, Crosby M J, Stattersfield A J. Birds to watch 2-The World List of Threatened Birds. Cambridge, UK : BirdLife International, 1994, 43.
  • 4BirdISfe International. Threatened Birds of the World. Barcelona and Cambridge. UK : Lynx Edicions and BirdLife International, 2000,85.
  • 5BirdLife International. Threatened Birds of Asia. Cambridge, UK : BirdLife International, 2001,194-222.
  • 6郑光美,王岐山(主编).中国濒危动物红皮书鸟类.北京:科学出版社,1988,51 ~ 52.
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