
我国高校学科竞争力及学科建设成效分析 被引量:17

Analysis of Disciplinary Competitiveness and Effects of Discipline Construction of China's Institutions of Higher learning
摘要 应用美国《基本科学指标》(ESI)数据库的数据,分析了1997年1月1日至2007年8月31日间,部分中国高校的学科竞争力及学科建设成效。研究表明:中国高校科研论文产出量具有一定的整体实力;高校进入ESI数据库排行的学科数逐年增加,具有一定的科研发展潜力;高校论文被引频次虽有进步,但排名相对落后,科研影响能力亟需提高;中国高校虽然拥有一定数量的热门论文,但是数量较少,科研创新能力亟待提高。 Disciplinary competitiveness and effects of discipline construction of Xi'an Jiaotong University as well as other China's institutions of higher learning during the period from January 1, 1997 to August 31,2007 are analyzed by using statistics from database of Essential Science Indicators (ESI). The research findings show that in general the output of scientific research papers of China colleges and universities has a given integral strength; disciplines of China's colleges and universities that enter into ESI database ranking have increased year by year, which indicates the potentials of scientific research development of these disciplines; the frequency that academic scientific papers of China's colleges and universities are cited has made progress to a certain degree, but it's urgent to improve the effects of scientific research. Although relevant institutions have produced some hot papers, the quantity of such papers is quite small and the ability to innovate in scientific research needs to be enhanced urgently.
作者 陆根书 刘敏
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第6期76-82,共7页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(06XZZ016) 全国教育科学"十五"规划2005年度教育部重点课题(DIA050135)
关键词 高等教育 学科竞争力 学科建设 成效分析 higher education disciplinary competitiveness discipline construction
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  • 1江泽民.继承和发扬五四运动的光荣传统[M]∥江泽民.江泽民文选:第二卷.北京:人民出版社,2006:124.
  • 2Essential Science Indicators [ EB/OL ]. http ://in - cites. com/rsg/esi/index.html.





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