
动机过程对青少年网络游戏行为意向的影响模型 被引量:72

The Motivational Process Model of Adolescent Online Gamers' Playing Intention
摘要 从行为动机的角度探讨了影响青少年网络游戏玩家游戏意向的主要因素。通过对北京市中学生进行抽样调查并采用结构方程模型的方法对模型进行检验,发现青少年网络游戏玩家的游戏意向受多种内在动机和外在动机的共同影响。青少年玩网络游戏的基本内在动机(如,社会交际、超越现实、自我效能和享受乐趣)促进沉浸动机的形成。同时,沉浸是提高游戏意向的内在动机,主观规范和游戏涉入度是分别降低和提高游戏意向的外在动机。此外,内部动机和外部动机对游戏意向的影响存在交互作用。 Previous studies had identified various factors influencing adolescent online game playing behavior, such as the online game's design, players'psychological characteristics,and traits of the Intemetas anemerging medium. However, the psychological mechanisms underlying adolescent online game playing behavior have not been fully comprehended. Based on a motivational process perspective, this study explores the main motivational determinants of adolescent online garners ' playing intention as well as the relationships among intrinsic motivations of different levels. We collected data from six high schools in Beijing A total of 468 questionnaires were collected, and 378 valid observations made up the final sample. All the measurement scales for key constructs were adopted or adaptedfrom priorstudies. Validity of the questionnairewas confirmed through the procedure of translation and back - translation as well as a pilot study. Structural equation modeling and maximum likelihood estimation were used to examine the proposed model. Exploratory factor analysis indicated five basic intrinsic motivations (i. e., benefits exchange, social interaction, beyond reality, selfefficacy and enjoyment/fun) and three extrinsic motivations (i. e., time limit, subjective norm,and involvement) underlying adolescent online garners' playing behaviors. Hypotheses testing results demonstrated that adolescent online garners' playing intention was influenced by a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Specifically, four basic intrinsic motivations (except the dimension of benefit exchange) stimulated flow motivation, which subsequently had positive effect on playing intention. Amongextrinsic motivations, subjective norm could reduce playing intention, while player involvement towards playing online games had the opposite effect. We fred that flow experience was driven by basic intrinsic motivations. Due to the significant effects of flow experience, involvement and subjective norm on playing intention, firms providing online game products/services should try to strengthen adolescents'intrinsic motivations, especially the flow experience, in product promotion and marketing communication activities. In addition, it is also worthwhile to guide adolescents to play online games in line with social value/moral. That would also help to raise corporate image of high social responsibility.
作者 张红霞 谢毅
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期1275-1286,共12页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 教育部重点课题基金资助(DFA50093) 北京大学光华管理学院与美国宾西法尼亚大学沃顿商学院合作研究基金资助
关键词 网络游戏 内部动机 外部动机 沉浸 游戏意向 onlinegames intrinsic motivation extrinsic motivation flow playing intention
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