
黑龙江省夏季林火与气象环境条件的相关分析 被引量:7

Correlative Analysis of Summer Forest Fire and Meteorological Condition in Heilongjiang Province
摘要 利用2001—2007年黑龙江省所辖林区的夏季林火火场资料以及相应地区的降水、气温、相对湿度、风速、日照等气象资料,分析黑龙江省夏季林火特征以及夏季林火与气象条件的相关关系。结果表明:黑龙江省夏季林火集中期为7月25日—8月16日,且夏季林火日变化明显,主要发生在15:00—17:00时,多发生在大兴安岭和黑河林区(50°44′~53°24′N,121°34′~126°40′E),此地区是黑龙江省夏季林火防御的重点区域,其中雷击火是引起森林火灾的主要原因;雨日里,出现林火的概率较低,75以上林火当日无降水;日最小相对湿度<40时易发生林火,40的林火当日最小相对湿度<30;日平均气温在15~25℃、日最高气温25~35℃是夏季林火发生的关键温度区间;在日照时数超过6h易发生夏季林火。经过方差分析发现:降水量、最小相对湿度与林火具有显著的负相关,气温、地温、日照时数、风速均与林火具有显著的正相关。 The feature of summer forest fire and the correlative relationship between summer forest fire and meteorological condition in Heilongjiang Province were analysed based on summer forest fire and meteorological data( precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration) from 2001 to 2007. Result indicates that fires mainly occurred from 25 th, July to 16 th, August and had obvious daily change especially from 3 pm. to 5 pm. The summer forest fires caused primarily by lightning fire mainly occurred in Daxing'anling and Heihe forest regions. More than 75% of summer forest fires occurred on dry days. Forty percent of summer forest fires mainly occurred at 30% relative humidity on sunny days. Summer forest fires tended to occur when minimum relative humidity less than 40% , average air temperature between 15 degrees C and 25 degrees C, maximum air temperature between 25 degrees C and 35 degrees C, and sunshine duration more than 6 hours.The variance analysis indicated that the summer forest fire had remarkable negative correlations with precipitation, minimum relative humidity and significantly positive correlations with temperature, ground temperature, sunshine duration and wind speed.
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期17-18,42,共3页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 国家高技术发展规划(863计划)(2006AA127Z125) 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(200521)资助
关键词 夏季林火 黑龙江省 气象条件 方差分析 Summer forest fires Heilongjiang Province Meteorological conditions Variance analysis
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