
托盘包装和真空包装对冷鲜鸭保鲜效果的比较研究 被引量:6

A Contrastive Study of Fresh and Chilled Duck Preservation in Pallet Packing and Vacuum Packing
摘要 对冷鲜鸭肉各部位进行细菌学检测表明,初始细菌数为30—1.1×10^3CFU/g,菌相由假单胞菌、肠杆菌和乳酸菌等组成,用100mg/L ClO2处理5min可减菌90%以上,冷鲜鸭托盘包装制品4℃下可放置3~9d,真空包装制品可延长至9~24d,其中以假单胞菌为优势菌的鸭胸脯、鸭腿、鸭翅、鸭颈、鸭掌产品比以肠杆菌为优势菌的鸭肝、鸭肫较耐保藏。建立各类制品的保质期对生产具有指导意义。 Bacterium inspection on the fresh and chilled duck meat shows that the initial bacterial count is 30 - 1.1 ×10^3 CFU/g, which mainly is composed of pseudomonades, enterobacters and lactobacillus. Processed in 100 mg/L ClO2, the bacterial count is reduced by 90%. Chilled duck in pallet packing can be preserved at 4℃ for 3 - 9d, while in vacuum packing 9 - 24d. Duck breast, duck legs, duck wings, duck necks and duck webs dominant with pseudomonades, and duck livers and duck gizzards dominant with enterobacters have longer storage period. The establishment of shelf life rules is instructive to the products manufacturing of various kinds.
出处 《扬州大学烹饪学报》 2008年第4期37-40,共4页 Cuisine Journal of Yangzhou University
基金 南通市农业创新科技计划(AL2006010)
关键词 冷鲜鸭 ClO2处理 托盘包装 真空包装 保质期 fresh and chilled duck ClO2 process pallet packing vacuum packing shelf life
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