

A Secure Speech Transmission System Based on Steganography
摘要 提出了一种基于隐写算法的保密语音传输系统,首先采用G.729A编码算法对保密语音进行低码率压缩编码,然后通过改进LSB隐写算法将保密语音码流隐藏到公开音频中,并利用音频点播平台发布到网络上,最后通过客户端点播实现保密语音的提取和回放.测试数据结果表明:通过该改进算法,载体音频的感知质量得到了显著的提高,并且系统对于恶意攻击者具有更好的隐秘性. A digital encrypted speech transmission scheme based on audio-on-demand platform is proposed. Starting with G.729A coding algorithm being employed for secured speech, the bit stream from coder is embedded in open audio files using an improved LSB algorithm, and then output to the AOD network. The secured speech can be played back by the client from thesystem. Tests show that the audio quality is improved using the proposed algorithm, and the developed scheme has the better resistance to hostile attackers.
出处 《宁波大学学报(理工版)》 CAS 2008年第4期447-452,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University:Natural Science and Engineering Edition
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(60672070) Scientific Research Found of Ningbo University(XK0610032)
关键词 语音编码 隐写 音频点播 speech coding steganography audio on demand
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