
切开重睑术的并发症及其预防 被引量:14

The complications of double-eyelid operation by incisional method and its prevention
摘要 我院自1992年12月至1996年6月共行美容手术9590例,其中切开重睑术2031例,占美容手术的21%;切开重睑中,由于各种原因致并发症发生重新修整276例,占切开重睑的13.09%。文中就切开重睑中主要并发症的原因及预防措施进行了讨论。认为:①双侧不对称多由于测量不准确、对上睑皮肤松弛估计不恰当去除多少不协调而皮肤与提上睑肌腱膜固定高低不一致。②多层皱襞由于眼轮匝肌去除后回缩或轮匝肌去除过多,缝合固定时未将轮匝肌固定于切口线上所致。③重睑消失主要是肌下脂肪组织较多未去除及固定于提睑肌腱膜不确实或因切缘皮肤与提睑肌腱膜粘连不牢或较少,由于瘢痕软化渐脱落。④内眦形成不理想是切口未在内眦皱襞上或切口下组织太多占位致重睑线不能向前延伸。 From 1992 to 1996, 9590 cases of aesthetic surgical operations were proformed in our center, which included 2031 cases of incisional double-eyelid operation, about 21 percent of all. 276 cases of the double-eyelid operation needed repairment because of various complications. In this paper, the authors discussed the causes and prevention of the main complications of the operation. It is summariced as follows. ①asymmetry of two sides, mainly because of inaccurate measurement, unequal amount of resected skin on upper eyelid, inaccordance of skin suture to the levator muscle with each other. ②multifold. The overresection of orbicularis made it not to touth skin margins of incision. ③Failure to creat the fold. the skin suture might not include the extent of levator muscle.④Unsatisfied internal part of the fold. much subcutaneous tissue make it impossible for the fold to pass through the internal part of skin smoothly.
出处 《实用美容整形外科杂志》 1998年第1期3-4,共2页 Journal of Practical Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 重睑术 并发症 切开法 预防 眼部美容 Double eyelid operation, Complication, Incisional method.
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