
古田山自然保护区药用植物资源及其综合评价 被引量:4

Resources and comprehensive evaluation of medicinal plants in Gutianshan Nature Reserve,Zhejiang Province
摘要 浙江古田山国家级自然保护区有较丰富的药用植物资源,根据实地调查并结合有关资料统计,保护区内有药用种子植物770种(包括种以下分类单位),隶属136科463属,按其药用功能划分为理气活血类、清热解表类、凉血止血类、祛风除湿类、利水渗湿类、化痰止咳类、收敛固涩类等11类.保护区药用植物科的构成比较集中,菊科、蔷薇科、豆科、百合科、唇形科、禾本科、茜草科、毛茛科、玄参科、大戟科等22个大科共含246属444种,占保护区药用植物总属数和总种数的53.13%和57.66%;属的构成相对分散,悬钩子属、珍珠菜属、蓼属、卫矛属、薯蓣属、铁线莲属、景天属、胡枝子属、菝葜属等22个大属共含135种,占总种数的17.53%.保护区有一定数量的特有及珍稀濒危保护药用植物,有中国特有属药用植物12种,珍稀濒危保护药用植物21种.对该地区药用植物资源的保护和合理利用提出了一些参考性建议. Gutianshan National Nature Reserve owns rich resources of medicinal plants. According to on-the- spot survey and other related references, 770 species of medicinal seed plants ( including subspecies ) were found in this area, which belong to 463 genera and 136 families. The medicinal plants were classified into 11 groups, such as medicines for regulating qi flow and invigorating blood circulation, medicines for clearing heat and relieving exterior disorder, medicines for cooling blood and stop bleeding, medicines for eliminating wind and removing dampness, medicines for inducing diuresis and eliminating dampness, medicines for dispelling phlegm and suppressing cough, medicines for arresting discharge. Family composition of medicinal plants in the reserve was centralization. 22 families such as Campositae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Liliaceae, Labiatace, Gramineae, Rubiaceae, Ranunculaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Euphorbiaceae with 246 genera and 444 species accounted for 53.13% and 57.66% in total genera and total species respectively. Genus composition of the medicinal plants was comparatively decentralization. 22 genera with 135 species including Rubus, Lysima- chia, Polygonum, Euonymus, Dioscorea, Clematis, Sedum, Lespedeza, Smilax etc occupied 17.53% of the total species. There were many endemic and rare plants in the reserve, including 12 Chinese endemic genera and 21 rare plants. Some suggestions were put forward for conservation and utilization of these resources rationally.
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第1期7-12,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(M303871)
关键词 古田山 药用植物 资源 综合评价 Gutianshan medicinal plant resources comprehensive evaluation
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