
肝炎平对急性肝损害时脂质过氧化作用的实验研究 被引量:28

Study on Protective Effect of Traditional Chinese Herbs (Ganyanping) on Acute Liver Injury Induced by D-GalN in Rats
摘要 采用D-氨基半乳糖(D-GaIN)诱导大鼠急性肝损害模型,实验分成正常组、模型组、肝炎平组及肝得健组。观察了血清中丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、TGF-α、肝细胞及红细胞中过氧化物(LPO)和肝组织及红细胞超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的变化。结果表明:肝炎平和肝得健组血清中ALT、TGF-α及LPO与模型组相比明显下降(P<0.01),而肝炎平和肝得健组SOD活性分别是(594.7±164.8)、(575.0±174.5)U/g,明显高于模型组(417.64±139.5)U/g(P<0.01)。提示肝炎平能抗肝损害时肝组织氧自由基(FR)的产生,降低血浆和组织中LPO的水平,并能提高细胞SOD的活性,从而减轻肝损伤。其对肝细胞的保护作用与肝得健一致。 The protective effect of Ganyanping (GYP) on aucte liver injury induced by D-Ga1N was studied. The 35 rats were divided into control group, damage group (D-GalN), experimental group (D-Ga1N + GYP) and experimental control group [D-GalN +Essential forte (ETF)]. Serum alanine amino-transferase (ALT), hepatic and plasma LPO, SOD in red blood cells and hepatic tissues were determined. The experimental results showed that the serum ALT, hepatic and plasma LPO concentrations were marked-ly decreased in GYP group compared with D-GalN group (P<0. 01). SOD activity in red blood cells and hepatic tissues were increased in the D-Ga1N+GYP and D-Ga1N + ETF group. It was quite different from the injury model (P<0. 01). These findings suggest that GYP can protect the liver from injury by D-Galac-tosamine. The protective effect of GYP is the same as that of ETF.
出处 《同济医科大学学报》 CSCD 1998年第1期56-58,共3页 Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji
关键词 肝损害 中医药疗法 肝炎平 LPO SOD therapy with Chinese materia medica liver injury D-Galactosamine lipid peroxide superoxide dismutase
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