
大学生竞争心理量表的编制及信效度分析 被引量:20

A Study on Construction and Psychometric Properties of Competitiveness Scale of College Students
摘要 通过开放式问卷调查和专家访谈,提出竞争心理系统的基本层次结构模型。编制大学生竞争心理预试量表对485名大学生进行测量,采用因素分析方法对大学生竞争心理进行了分析与验证。结果表明,竞争心理由竞争倾向、竞争动机、竞争策略和竞争内容四个维度构成,其中竞争倾向由情绪倾向、行为倾向和认知倾向三个子维度构成,竞争动机由提高能力、自我展示和获得利益三个子维度构成,竞争内容由地位竞争、学习竞争、权威竞争、兴趣竞争、特长竞争和生活竞争六个方面组成,而竞争策略只有一个维度。对量表进行的信度、效度检验结果表明,该量表具有较好的信度、效度指标。 Conducting the expert interviews and investigation of open questionnaire to testes, 485 college students were test by the competitiveness scale. Through explorative factor analysis, the result showed that competitiveness consists of four parts which are competitive inclination, competitive motivation, competitive strategy and competitive content, in the factors of which competitive inclination and competitive motivation is made up of three sub-dimension, competitive content is of six sub-dimension; and finally competitive strategy turns out to have one sub-dimension by itself. After testing, we consider the reliability coefficient and validity coefficient are valid.
作者 岑延远
出处 《心理研究》 2009年第1期80-85,共6页 Psychological Research
基金 广东省高等院校学科建设专项资金项目资助
关键词 大学生 竞争心理 竞争倾向 竞争动机 竞争策略 竞争内容 college students competitiveness competitive inclination competitive motivation competitive strategy competitive content
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