
应用模糊控制原理在差频并网下的自动准同期算法研究 被引量:15

Algorithm research of the automatic synchronization under difference frequence power grid using fuzzy control principle
摘要 针对电力系统差频并网过程,讨论了其并网的工作原理,建立了在基于泰勒级数的控制模型,应用模糊控制,介绍了其电压控制和频率控制的方法,根据同期并网控制模型,具体讨论了基于越前相角差算法和越前时间算法,结合两种算法,研究了系统并网相角差为零时刻的捕捉的方法,实践证明,应用该算法的测控装置能在整定条件下正确合闸动作。 Aimed at the synchronization of power system ,this paper discusses the principle of the synchronization, establishes the model of control based on the Taylor series, according to the control model, concretely discusses the synchronization algorithm both of phase and time, based on these two algorithms, studies the algorithm of the capture the time of the phase equal to zero when the synchronization of power system. Practice has proved that the control and measuring device using this algorithm can output close order under specified conditions.
作者 李瑾鸿
出处 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期96-98,105,共4页 Power System Protection and Control
关键词 模糊控制 自动准同期 泰勒级数 算法 fuzzy control automatic synchronization Taylor series, algorithm
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