

Between Rebellion and Return
摘要 中国20世纪80年代中后期的先锋小说,在叙事对象、叙事模式和叙事观念等各个层面都表现出了其特有的先锋性。这些先锋性是在西方后代主义思潮的影响下,为反叛80年代前期文学叙事中的精英意识而产生的。但这种反叛并不彻底,透过对精英意识的表层反叛,看到的却是对精英意识的深层皈依。 The China's novels in the late 1980s were characterized by their pioneering in such aspects as objects, modes and concepts of narration. These were the products of the influence of western post-modernism, which are mainly against the elite's consciousness of the early 1980s. The rebellion, however, was not thorough. Through the rebellion of the surface of the elite's consciousness, we can find the trace of the return to the consciousness at deep levels.
作者 刘郁琪
出处 《内江师范学院学报》 2009年第1期84-87,共4页 Journal of Neijiang Normal University
基金 湖南省社科规划基金课题"‘现代性’与中国新文学发展"(05ZC68)
关键词 先锋小说 精英意识 叙事模式 pioneering novels elite' s consciousness narrative mode
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