

The Primary Study on the Establishment of Tenure System of Collective Forest in Tongchuan Prefecture
摘要 通过对铜川集体林现行产权制度存在弊端的分析研究,提出在保持林地集体所有制不变的前提下,把林地的使用权交给农民,让农民享有对林木的所有权、处置权、收益权,实现"山有其主,主有其权,权有其责,责有其利"的体现现代林业发展要求的铜川集体林产权体系设想。 The shortcomings of collective forestland in Tongchuan prefecture were analyzed and problems generated under this system were pointed out. On the basis of above, it was suggested that for the collective forest, the right for utilization should be given to farmers, enabling them to have the right to use, to dispose, to get benefit from forest, and making the mountain have exact host, the hose have the right, the right go with responsibility, and responsibility generate benefit, a new type of tenure system established from that.
作者 白永恒 肖斌
出处 《陕西林业科技》 2008年第3期133-136,共4页 Shaanxi Forest Science and Technology
关键词 集体林 产权体系 Collective forest tenure system
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