
氟化钠吸附氟化氢最佳工艺参数测定 被引量:10

The optimal technique parameter mensuration of sodium fluoride adsorb hydrogen fluoride
摘要 氟化钠(NaF)是一种很好的吸附剂,有着吸附氟化氢(HF)的特性,在电子气体的生产中经常被用来吸附HF,在含氟电子气体的纯化工艺中有着极为重要的应用。本文通过正交实验测定氟化钠在不同的吸附条件下吸附氟化氢杂质的吸附效果,对实验结果进行方差分析,并评价了各因素对吸附效果的影响。实验表明:NaF对HF有很好的吸附能力,在最佳的操作条件下,吸附率达100%;适合的吸附温度为20℃~80℃;吸附率随气体流量的增大而降低;压力对吸附率的影响不明显。 Sodium fluoride has a far-ranging application in electronic gas production as adsorbent to wipe off hydrogen fluoride. It has also an important application in purification technique of electronic gas with fluorine. This paper expatiate the adsorbent capability in different conditions of sodium fluoride and get the best adsorb conditions by analyzing the adsorb affection of hydrogen fluoride under different adsorb conditions of sodium fluoride. The experiment indicates that sodium fluoride possesses nice adsorbent capability to hydrogen fluoride, which can adsorb hydrogen fluoride completely in best running-conditions. We get some useful conclusions by the experiment as follows, the best adsorbent temperature is (20℃ - 80℃ )centigrade, the adsorbent capability of sodium fluoride decrease when the flux of gas increase, pressure has not obvious influence to the adsorb affection.
出处 《舰船科学技术》 2009年第2期109-111,共3页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 氟化钠 氟化氢 吸附 sodium fluoride hydrogen fluoride adsorption
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