
李约瑟难题Ⅰ涉及的历史观问题及一个尝试性解释 被引量:2

The Issue of Historical Conception Involved in Explaining Needham PuzzleⅠ and A Tentative Solution
摘要 为什么现代科学只在欧洲文明中发展,而未在中国(或印度)文明中成长?文章综述了对这个问题的几种著名的解释,并对金观涛、樊洪业和刘青峰的观点提出了疑问。进一步指出,李约瑟难题涉及到复杂的历史事件,而历史具有不可逆性;科学事业是一个社会性事业,甚至是全人类的事业。在这种情况下,要解释李约瑟难题Ⅰ,就要引入关于社会系统的分类学理论。文章引入文化人类学中基于常识和逻辑的文化唯物主义理论以及波普尔关于自主的世界Ⅲ的思想,对李约瑟难题Ⅰ进行尝试性解释。基本结论是:我们将不得不承认一个"得天独厚的希腊"。 Why had modern science not developed in Chinese (or Indian) civilization but only in that of Europe? This paper reviews several famous explanations for the above problem, and questions the views held by Jin Guantao, Fan Hongye and Liu Qingfeng. The paper further points out that the Needham puzzle involves complex historical events which are irreversible and the scientific enterprise is a social one or even of the whole humankind. Under these circumstances, to explain Needham puzzle Ⅰ, a taxonomical theory about the social system has to be introduced. Actually, this article has recourse to the cultural materialist theory based on common sense and logic in cultural anthropology and Karl Popper's idea about autonomous World Ⅲ. The tentative solution to Needham puzzle Ⅰ first considers population-technology-economy-environment factors, and next the World Ⅲ factor. A basic conclusion is that one has to acknowledge a unique, exceptionally well-endowed Greece.
作者 罗力群
出处 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期114-125,共12页 Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
关键词 李约瑟难题 李约瑟难题Ⅰ 文化唯物主义 世界Ⅲ原型 Needham puzzle, Needham puzzle Ⅰ , cultural materialism, world Ⅲ prototype
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