
超声波强化提取油茶籽油的研究 被引量:30

Solvent extraction of oil-tea camellia seed oil enhanced by ultrasound
摘要 油茶籽油中不饱和脂肪酸含量丰富,是一种功能性油脂。研究了提取溶剂、液料比、提取时间对超声提取油茶籽油和加热浸提油茶籽油的影响。结果表明,正己烷是较理想的溶剂;适当增加溶剂量、提取时间、超声波功率、提取温度,油茶籽油得率随之增加;在温度40℃、液料比(V/m)6∶1、提取时间30 m in和超声波功率300 W的条件下进行超声提取,油茶籽油得率为45.23%;对加热浸提来说,在温度60℃、液料比(V/m)7∶1、提取时间90 m in条件下,油茶籽油得率仅为38.15%。由此可见,超声作用明显降低了提取温度、减少了溶剂用量、缩短了提取时间,而且使油茶籽油得率提高。 Oil - tea camellia seed oil with rich unsaturated fatty acids is a kind of functional oil. The effects of several factors, such as extraction solvent, solid -liquid ratio and extraction time, on both traditional and ultrasound aided oil - tea camellia seed oil extraction were investigated. The results indicated that n - hexane was the better solvent for the above - mentioned two extraction methods, the yield of oil - tea camellia seed oil increased with the increase of solvent quantity, extraction time, ultrasound power and extraction temperature. Under the following conditions of temperature 40℃, ratio of liquid volume to solid mass 6 : 1, extraction time 30 min and uhrasound power 300 W ,the oil yield reached 45.23%. However, with the traditional extraction method, the oil yield were only 38.15% under the parameters of temperature 60℃, liquid volume to solid mass ratio 7 : 1, extraction time 90 min. Obviously the advantages of ultrasound aided extraction in reducing extraction temperature, decreasing solvent quantity, saving time and improving oil yield were verified.
出处 《中国油脂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期17-19,共3页 China Oils and Fats
基金 国家十一五科技支撑计划项目“功能性食品的研制和开发”之课题“食品功能因子高效分离与制备关键技术的研究”(2006BAD27B03)
关键词 油茶籽油 超声提取 加热浸提 oil - tea camellia seed oil ultrasound aided extraction heating extraction
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