
废弃刨花板苯酚液化的影响因素及最佳工艺参数 被引量:3

Affecting factors and the optimum technological parameters in waste particleboard liquefaction
摘要 为了搞清废弃刨花板在浓硫酸催化苯酚液化过程中,温度、时间、催化剂硫酸用量和料液比(刨花板粉∶苯酚)等因子对液化效果的影响,得到合理的液化工艺参数,该研究在分析影响因子的基础上,采用正交试验方法确定了浓硫酸催化刨花板苯酚液化的工艺参数。结果表明:采用硫酸催化剂进行木材的苯酚液化时,液化反应物的残渣率随着液化温度的提高、液化时间的延长、料液比的减小而减少,但随着催化剂用量的增加呈现出先降低后增加的趋势。极差分析表明:①废弃刨花板的最佳液化工艺为液化温度140℃,液化时间1.5 h,料液比1∶4.5,催化剂硫酸用量6%。在此液化条件下,其液化残渣率为9.6%。②实验室自制刨花板在液化温度140℃、液化时间1.5 h、料液比1∶3.5、催化剂硫酸用量为6%的液化条件下,残渣率可达到8.9%。 To investigate the effects of temperature, time, the content of sulfuric acid catalyst and liquid ratio of phenol to particleboard on the liquefaction in phenol, and to find the optimum technological parameters, based on the analysis of affecting factors, this study has found the optimum technological parameters with orthogonal experiments. Results showed that, the residue rates of liquefied reactant would decrease as the increase of reaction temperatures, reaction time and the ratio of phenol to particleboard with sulfuric acid catalyst. However, the residue rates would decrease at first and increase later as the content of catalyst increased. The analysis results of range showed that the optimum technological parameters of recycled waste particleboard were:reaction temperature 140℃, reaction time 1.5 hrs,liquid ratio of phenol to particleboard 4.5, the content of catalyst 6% with sulfuric acid, and the residue rates can be reduced to 9.6% under this liquefaction conditions. For the particleboard made in our laboratory, the residue rates can be reduced to 8.9 % under the conditions of reaction temperature 140℃, reaction time 1.5 hrs, the ratio of pheno to particleboard 3.5 and the content of catalyst was 6 % with sulfuric acid.
出处 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期120-124,共5页 Journal of Beijing Forestry University
基金 “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD18B09)
关键词 刨花板 苯酚液化 残渣率 液化参数 particleboard liquefaction in phenol residue rate liquefaction parameters
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