
纳米粒子对丁腈改性酚醛树脂摩擦磨损性能的影响 被引量:7

The Effects of Nano-Particles on Tribo-Properties of NBR Modified Phenolic Resin
摘要 采用Al2O3、TiO2、SiO2、SiC四种纳米粒子以及不同百分含量改性丁腈改性酚醛树脂,利用机械共混的方法制备了纳米粒子改性丁腈改性酚醛树脂材料。通过热失重分析表明,A3和T5的耐热性得到了提高,在高温阶段A3又高于T5,说明A3的耐热性最好。摩擦磨损对比试验表明,Al2O3、TiO2纳米粒子可显著提高改性丁腈酚醛树脂的耐热性、增加摩擦系数、降低磨损率;SiO2、SiC纳米粒子对树脂的摩擦磨损性能没有明显改善。 The tribo-properties of the nano-composites fabricated by nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) modified phenolic resins and different nano-particles were studied in present research. Result of the thermo-gravimetric analysis shows that heat resistance improves, heat resistance of A3 specimen is better than T5, and heat resistance of A3 specimen is best. The friction and wear experimental results show that the NBR modified phenolic resins with nanoparticle Al2O3 and nano-particle TiO2 possess good thermal stability, higher coefficients of friction and lower wear rate, and' the tribo-properties of nanocomposite with nano-particle SiO2 and nano-particle SiC aren't improved.
出处 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期59-61,共3页 Polymer Materials Science & Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50464005) 贵阳市科学技术项目(2004[23])
关键词 纳米 摩擦材料 丁腈改性酚醛树脂 摩擦系数 磨损 nano-particle friction material NBR modified phenolic resin coefficient of friction wear
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