Lightning is an important fire source in Daxing'anling region, China (119.60°--127.02° E, 47.05°-- 53.56° N) . The daily fire weather index (FWI) component indexes were calculated based on the observations of 10 weather stations in the study area from 1990--2006. The observations of weather station included daily maximum temperature, daily minimum humidity, precipitation in 24-hour (20 : 00--20:00) , and average wind speed. The weights of weather stations were determined according to the distances between each weather station and the study area center (122.665 5° E, 51. 013 7° N). Then the averages of FWI component indexes were calculated for the study area for analyzing its relationship with lightning fire occurrence. There were 591 wildfires in the Daxing'anling region from 1990--2006, in which 359 lightning fires accounting for 60.7 percent. 70% of lightning fires distribute in the area 121°--125° E, 51°--53° N. The average burned area of each lightning fire was 797.37 hm^2, and burned forest 581.67 hm^2. Lightning fires occurred in the deciduous conifer forest, deciduous broad-leaved forest and grassland accounted for 71.9%, 2.5% and 17.3% respectively. Lightning fires occurred in the period from April to September and mainly in May to August. June was the month with most lightning fire (105 fires) from 1990--2006, which accounted for 29.7%. It was followed by July, 28.3% lightning fires. During 1990--2006, the lightning fire season got longer in overall. From 1990--1998, lightning fires occurred in the period from April 24 to July 26, but in 1998--2006 lightning fire season extended to the end of September. All lightning fires occurred in August and September were the years from 1998--2005. Air temperature and precipitation influenced on lightning fire occurrence. In a higher month-average of daily maximum temperatures and less month-precipitation, lightning fires will increased significantly. Month-averages of fine fuel moisture code ( FFMC), duff moisture code ( DMC), drought code (DC) and FWI in dates from April to September when lightning fire occurred were 90.3, 69.6, 287.4 and 24.7 respectively, which were higher than those averages from 1990--2006. A probability forecasting model of lightning fire was established on the base of lightning fire occurrence probability and daily fire weather index.
Forest Research
lightning fire
forecasting model
Daxing'anling region
fire danger