
三峡七叶一枝花薯蓣皂苷元的分离提取工艺研究 被引量:6

Studies on the Extraction Process of Diosgenin from Paris Polyphylla from China Three Gorges
摘要 以薯蓣皂苷元的提取量为考察指标,采用正交实验法对三峡七叶一枝花中薯蓣皂苷元的提取工艺进行优选,以分光光度法测定其含量。结果表明:破壁处理对薯蓣皂苷元得率影响最大,助提方式影响最小。采用酶酵解(纤维素酶用量15 u/g生药,pH4.5,温度45°C,酵解6 h),微波助提(微波强度为中高火,固∶液为1∶14,提取2次,每次4 min),双相酸水解(料∶酸液∶甲苯=1∶6∶6,6%的硫酸,100°C酸解6 h)联合技术,苷元得率提高了77.2%,工艺时间缩短了66.7%,溶剂耗量减少了12倍物料的70%乙醇。 The extraction of diosgenin from Paris polyphylla was studied. The orthogonal design was used to optimize the extraction process of diosgenin from Paris Vietnamensis. The extraction ratio was measured by spectrophotometry. The results showed that adopting the combined technologies of enzymolysis (15u cellulase anzyme for 1 g Paris Vietnamensis, enzymolysis temperature 45℃, enzymic treatment at pH 4. 5 for 6 h), microwave extraction (microwave power 100%, solid, water=1 - 14, extracting 2 times, 4 minutes each time) and acidolysis in two phases material: 6% H2SO4: toluene= 1 : 6 : 6, acidolysis at 100℃ for 6 h), the yield of diosgenin was increased by 77.2%, the extraction time was reduced by 66.7% and the solvent 70% alcohol was saved in a large quantity.
出处 《化学世界》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期86-89,共4页 Chemical World
关键词 七叶一枝花 薯蓣皂苷元 微波提取 双相酸解 Paris polyphylla diosgenin microwave extraction acidolysis in two phases
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