Objective : To study the Chinese medicine syndrome types of acute and stable period of chronic pulmonary lung disease as well as its tongue variation traits. Method : Through multi - center clinical Epidemiology, we collected 744 cases of acute and stable COPD patients' data. Giving descriptive statistical analysis to the data. Result: This study shows, 33.5% of COPD patients'tongue were red, 67. 1% were yellow. As for the relation between syndrome and color coating of the tongue, 18.9% phlegm heat Lung syndrome majority of red tongue and yellow coating. COPD stable stage patients had an overall of pale red tongue (43.5%), white coating (55.9%) ranking the highest appearing frequency. As for syndromes, Lung Kidney Qi deficiency had a highest 12. 7% ranking top. And pale tongue with white coating was the most seen in this syndrome. Discussion: This study shows acute stage patients mostly has red tongue with yellow coating. Which reflect the phlegm heat of the acute stage. Stable stage patients mostly have pale tongue with white coating. Which reflect as COPD patients recover, tongue appearance turns normal or back to its deficiency bases.
Journal of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine