
流动人口宫内节育器使用情况及影响因素分析 被引量:10

Analysis on the Status and Influential Factors of IUD Utilization among Floating Population
摘要 目的:了解上海市闵行区流动人口宫内节育器(IUD)的使用情况及影响因素。方法:采用结构式问卷进行调查。结果:本次共调查2001名流动人口,其中采用避孕措施的1300人,使用最多的避孕方式是IUD,占51.08%(664人),但70.63%的调查对象不知道自己使用的IUD种类。以IUD作为避孕方式的主要是已婚的对象,使用的比例为59.57%;30~40岁对象使用比例略高于其他年龄组;初中学历使用比例最高(57.70%);到现居住地后,仅有50.09%的对象进行过IUD复查,大学以上文化程度复查比例最高。结论:计划生育部门应加强有关IUD的宣教和复查服务,特别是对已婚、文化程度较低的流动人口,从而使他们能选择适宜、有效的避孕措施,提高他们的生殖健康水平。 Objective: To understand the status and influential factors of intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD) utilization among floating population in Minhang district of Shanghai. Methods: Structured questionnaires were conducted. Results: 2,001 cases were investigated, and 1,300 of them were in contraception. The most frequently used contraception was IUD, with the percentage 51.08% (664 cases). 70.63% of subjects had no idea about the types of IUDs they used. The main objects of IUD were married population, with the usage rate 59.57%. And the ratios of IUD usage among objects aged 30 -40 years old were higher than that of other age groups. The highest usage rate (57.70%) of IUD appeared among the objects with junior high school education. Only 50.09% checked IUI)s after they came to Shanghai, with the highest ratio among the objects of college and higher education. Conclusion : The propaganda of IUD and the service of IUD recheck should be strengthened, especially for those married floating population with lower education, in order to help them make choices of suitable and effective contraception, as well as improve their reproductive health.
出处 《中国计划生育学杂志》 北大核心 2009年第2期96-99,共4页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning
关键词 流动人口 宫内节育器 使用情况 Floating population Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD) Using condition
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