
高速轿车气流噪声模拟研究 被引量:3

Study on Aerodynamic Simulation for High Speed Saloon Car
摘要 采用大涡模拟(LES)方法计算了某轿车模型的瞬态外流场,并研究了车辆表面脉动压力和流态,然后采用FW-H声学模型,预测了车外场点的噪声特性。根据流场和声学模拟结果对某轿车模型进行修改,并进行了噪声测量,模型修改后气流噪声有显著降低。 The transient flow field around a saloon car is calculated based on large eddy simulation (LES) model,and the pressure fluctuation on the surface of vehicle is studied. Then the exterior noise characteristic is predicted by using FfowcsWilliams-Hawkings (FW-H)model. A car model is improved and analyzed according to the fluid and acoustic simulation results. Aerodynamic noise of the improved car is measured. It shows that the noise level was greatly decreased.
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期82-85,共4页 Noise and Vibration Control
关键词 声学 脉动压力 气流噪声 模拟 acoustics pressure fluctuation aerodynamic noise simulation
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