
十七大以来中国特色社会主义理论体系研究综述 被引量:7

A Review on Studying Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics Since the Seventeenth National Congress
摘要 提出并科学定义"中国特色社会主义理论体系"是十七大的一大亮点,更是十七大闭幕一年来学术界研究的一个重点、一大热点。绝大多数学者认为中国特色社会主义理论体系与马列主义毛泽东思想是继承发展的关系,体系不包括毛泽东思想。高度认同中国特色社会主义理论体系是一个"科学理论体系"。关于体系的形成过程有三阶段、四阶段、五阶段、六阶段等多种观点。关于体系的精髓至少有四种观点。关于体系的主题也有四种观点。其它在理论体系的内涵、理论体系的特征、三大成果在理论体系中的地位、理论体系产生的重大意义以及提出这一概念的必要性,这一体系与新民主主义理论体系的异同、与民主社会主义理论体系的区别等方面都提出了诸多见仁见智的学术观点,并指出了下一步中国特色社会主义理论体系深入研究的方向。 It is a highlight of the Seventeenth National Congress to propose and scientifically define " Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics". It is also a major and hot academic study one year after the Congress was closed. Most Scholars believed that the relationship between Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics and Marxism Leninism Maoism is inheritance and development, excluding Maoism. It is highly agreed that Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics is a "scientific theoretical system". As to the process of the system, there are diversified ideas such as three stages, four stages, five stages, six stages. As to the essence, there are at least four viewpoints. As to the theme, there are four viewpoints as well. There are diversified viewpoints in the contents and features of the theoretical system, the role of the Three Achievements in the theoretical system, the great significance of the theoretical system, the necessity of proposing this theory, the similarity and difference between this theory and New Democratic Theory, the difference between this theory and democratic socialist theory. The orientation of further study of Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics is presented.
作者 王思怀
出处 《商洛学院学报》 2009年第1期1-21,共21页 Journal of Shangluo University
基金 商洛学院科研基金项目(07SKY001)
关键词 中国特色社会主义理论体系 形成过程 精髓 主题 特征 内涵 Theoretical System of Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics forming process, essence theme feature implication
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