

Therapeutic analysis of continuously pumping adrenline by microinfusion pump on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
摘要 目的:探讨心肺复苏(cardio-pulmonary resuscitation,CPR)时肾上腺素最佳给药方式,以提高心肺复苏患者成活率及改善脑功能恢复。方法:选择心搏骤停患者110例,随机分为治疗组52例,对照组58例,所有患者发病后CPR时均迅速建立静脉输液通道,即刻静脉注射肾上腺素1mg,继之治疗组应用电脑微量泵据病情在15min内持续泵入肾上腺素3~5mg;对照组每3~5min据病情重复1mg,共3~5次,2组其他抢救措施相同。结果:2h复苏成功率1)、72h有效存活率2)、存活出院率3)、存活患者残疾率4),治疗组分别为:40.38%、26.92%、19.23%、33.33%,对照组分别为:39.66%、12.07%、8.62%、80.00%。组间比较差异均有统计学意义。结论:电脑微量泵持续泵入给药是CPR时肾上腺素理想的给药方式,能明显改善CPR患者中远期预后,值得在临床CPR时推广。 Objective: To explore the best way for the use of adrenaline on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to increase the survival rate of patients with CPR and improve the neurological function. Method: 110 patients with sudden cardiac arrest were randomly divided into two groups: test group ( n 52) and control group ( n = 58). All these patients with CPR were quickly created a channel for intravenous transfusion and given adrenaline lmg by intravenous injection immediately. Then, according to their condition, the test group were continuously pumped with adrenaline 3-5 mg in 15 min by micro pump, while the control group were repeatedly injected adrenaline lmg per 3-5 min,3-5 times in all. The other rescue measures were the same between the two groups. Result:Success rate of CPR in 2 hours^1 ), effective and survival rate in 72 hours^2 ), hospital discharge rate ^3), disability rate 4), for the test group, they were 40.38%, 26.92%, 19.23%, 33.33%, respectively; while for the control group, they were 39.66%, 12.07%, 8.62%, 80.00%, respectively. Conclusion:The ideal way for the use of adrenaline on CPR is continuously pumping by micro pump, which can obviously improve the prognosis of patients for medium and long term. It is worth widely recommended.
出处 《临床急诊杂志》 CAS 2009年第1期11-13,共3页 Journal of Clinical Emergency
关键词 肾上腺素 心肺复苏 电脑微量泵 adrenaline eardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) administration route micro pump
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