
基于DSP单相PWM整流器的控制器研究 被引量:7

Study on Single Phase PWM Rectifier Controller based on DSP
摘要 对于单相PWM整流器,为了减少直流侧电压二次波动对网侧电流的影响,实现网侧电流正弦化及输入端高功率因数,探讨了一种消除直流侧二次波动对网侧电流影响的谐波抑制方法。分析了单相PWM整流器的工作原理和直流侧电压二次波动的原因,并设计了消除二次波动对网侧电流影响的数字陷波滤波器及控制算法。通过计算机仿真及实验对该算法与常规控制算法进行对比,验证了该算法的优越性,即该算法能够有效消除直流侧二次波动对网侧电流的影响并改善网侧电流波形。 To reduce the infection of DC voltage fluctuations, draw a sinusoidal line current and achieve high power factor, a single phase PWM rectifier control strategy which can eliminate the 3rd harmonic of AC current is introduced.The work principle is analyzed and the reason of the DC voltage fluctuations is given,a new control strategy with a notch filter is designed.The new strategy is tested by both simulation and experimentation,and the results show its advantages that the new control approach can suppress 3rd harmonic effectively and lower harmonic distortion of AC current.
机构地区 西南交通大学
出处 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期63-64,75,共3页 Power Electronics
关键词 整流器 控制 滤波器/直流侧电压二次波动 陷波滤波器 rectifier control filter / DC voltage fluctuations notch filter
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