
室内大气颗粒物分形结构分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Indoors Atmospheric Particles Fractal Structure
摘要 颗粒物的分形结构能表示颗粒物本身的性质特征,大气颗粒物对人体的危害与其分形结构有关。这里通过制作室内大气悬浮颗粒采集器,采集室内大气颗粒,然后通过数字显微技术和图像处理技术,分析颗粒投影图像的轮廓曲线分形维数值、圆度数值。结果表明:轮廓曲线分形维数值具有近似正态分布特征,圆度值和分形维数值间具有相关关系。通过测算分形维数值和圆度值可以近似判断室内空气的性质,对实现室内大气质量实时监测和计算机处理具有一定意义。 The fractal structure of particles not only denoted the characteristic of the particulate matter, but also related to the harm for human. In this paper we used a suspended particle collector to collect indoor atmospheric particles. Fractal dimension and roundness of the particles figure projection were analyzed by digital micrograph technique and image process technique. The results showed out that the fractal dimension value of the particles figure projection had approximately normal distribution character, and there did also exist correlativity between fraetal dimension and roundness. We could approximately judge the character of the indoor atmosphere by calculating its fractal dimension and roundness. It made certain significance for real-time monitoring of indoor atmospheric quality and computer processing.
作者 胡小芳 郭雷
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2009年第1期1-3,23,共4页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 室内大气 分形维数 圆度 悬浮颗粒 indoor atmosphere fractal dimension roundness suspended particle
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