随着经济社会的发展,人们对消费类电子的多媒体功能要求越来越高,具有混合信号功能的芯片正越来越多地出现在人们的生活中。通讯领域中的MODEM、CODEC和飞速发展的手机基带芯片、视频处理器领域的MPEG、DVD芯片,以及各种图象处理器、网络转换器和磁盘驱动器芯片,都属于这一类。针对这一类芯片的测试,我们称之为混合信号测试。本文主要讨论这类芯片的测试特点,及针对这些测试特点Advantest的新一代测试平台T2000 LSMF解决方案。
With the development of economy and society, the demands for multimedia functions of consumer electronics become increasingly important. The mixed-signal chips play more important roles in our lives. For example, communications MODEM, CODEC and the rapid development of mobile phone chips, video processors, MPEG, DVD chips, and a variety of image processors, network switches and disk drive chips, all fall into this category. This type of chip testing belongs to mixed-signal testing. This paper mainly discusses the characteristics of this type of chip testing and focuses on the characteristics of Advantest's T2000 LSMFtest platform for next-generation solutions.
China lntegrated Circuit