
一种裸露土壤参数反演结果的验证方法 被引量:3

A Method to Validate Parameter Inversion Results for Bare Soil
摘要 该文分析了Oh(1992)以及Dubois(1995)等人提出的两种裸露土壤地表的经验模型和反演算法,提出了在缺少地表实测数据的条件下,这两种经验模型均适用的参数反演结果的验证方法。由于实验证明理论散射模型IEM(积分方程模型)可以在一个很宽的地表粗糙度和含水量范围内准确地模拟后向散射系数与地表参数间的关系,该文深入分析了经验模型的建模思想及其与理论模型的关系之后,将二者有机地结合,并采用AIRSAR数据进行实验。实验结果表明,该方法用于验证经验模型提取的裸露土壤地表参数是有效的。 This paper analyzes the two scattering models and inversion techniques for bare soil surface, which were proposed by Oh(1992) and Dubois(1995), respectively. A method to validate the parameter inversion results of both two models was developed under the condition that no in-situ measurements were collected. Since Integral Equation Method (IEM) provides the relationship between backscattering coefficient and surface parameters in a rather wide range of roughness and moisture conditions, the modeling method of empirical and theoretical models are deeply analyzed and then combined. AIRSAR data are employed to perform the experiments, and the results show that the proposed method is effective to validate the surface parameters of bare soil which are obtained from the empirical models.
出处 《电子与信息学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期623-627,共5页 Journal of Electronics & Information Technology
关键词 电磁散射 参数反演 裸露土壤 均方根高度 含水量 EM Scattering Parameter inversion Bare soil RMS height Water content
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