
从希拉里东亚行看奥巴马政府亚洲政策走向 被引量:5

摘要 本文从希拉里东亚行入手分析奥巴马政府亚洲政策的走向及影响。希拉里东亚之行为奥巴马政府亚洲外交开了好头。奥巴马政府的亚洲政策在继承布什政府亚洲外交遗产的基础上,出现了一些变化,这对美国与亚洲的盟友关系、东亚安全合作以及中美关系将产生一定影响。
作者 孙茹
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期48-51,共4页
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  • 1“Japan: A Cornerstone of U. S. Foreign Policy ”, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State , Remarks with Japanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone, Tokyo, Feb. 17,2009, http ://www. state. gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/117465.htm.
  • 2“Japan: A Cornerstone of U. S. Foreign Policy”, HiUary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State , Remarks with Japanese Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone, Tokyo, Feb. 17,2009, http ://www. state. gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/117465. htm.
  • 3"Developing a Comprehensive Partnership With Indonesia", Hillary Rodham Clinton, Remarks With Indonesian Foreign Minister Noer Hassan Wirajuda, Jakarta, Indonesia, February 18, 2009, http://www. state.gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/119424. htm.
  • 4“胡锦涛同美国总统奥巴马通电话”,《人民日报》.2009年1月31日.
  • 5“U. S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers”, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Remarks at the Asia Society, New York, February 13, 2009, http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/117333. htm.
  • 6“U. S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers”, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Remarks at the Asia Society, New York, February 13, 2009, http ://www. state.gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/117333. htm.
  • 7"Toward a More Comprehensive Strategic Relationship With South Korea", Hillary Rodham Clinton, Roundtable with Korean Journalists, Seoul, South Korea, February 20, 2009, http://www.state. gov/ secretary/rm/2009a/02/119429, htm.
  • 8“Dragon TV Interview : Developing a Comprehensive, Integrated Dialogue With China”, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Beijing, China , February 22, 2009, http ://www. state. gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/ 119434. htm.
  • 9Hillary Rodharn Clinton, " Interview With Yoichi Funabashi and Yoichi Kato of Asahi Shimbun", Tokyo, Japan, February 17, 2009, http://www. state gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/117626.htm.



  • 1成汉平.奥巴马政府重返东南亚的真实意图[J].东南亚之窗,2009,0(3):1-7. 被引量:4
  • 2"Strategic Leadership: Framework For a 21st Century National Security Strategy", A Phoenix Initiative Report, Jul. 22, 2008, http:// www. brookings. edu/reports/2008/07_national_security_brainard. aspx.
  • 3[美]约翰·加迪斯著,时殷弘,李庆四,樊吉社译.《遏制战略:战后美国国家安全政策评析》,世界知识出版社,2005年,序言第6页.
  • 4[美]迈克尔·马斯坦杜诺.“不完全霸权与亚太安全秩序”,载于约翰·伊肯伯里主编,韩召影译.《美国无敌:均势的未来》,北京大学出版社,2005年,第194页.
  • 5Michael Mastanduno, " Economics and Security in Statecraft and Scholarship", Interational Organization, Vol. 52, No. 4, Autumn 1998, pp. 844 - 845.
  • 6David Shambaugh, Thomas Wright, "Asia Still Likes America", International Herald Tribune, February 17, 2009.
  • 7Hillary Rodham Clinton, Foreign Policy Address at the Council on Foreign Relations, July 15, 2009, http ://www. state. gov/secretary/ rm/2009a/july/126071. htm.
  • 8Remarks from the Signing Ceremony of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation Accession, HiUary Rodham Clinton, Laguna Phuket, Thailand, July 22, 2009, http ://www. state. gov/secretary/rm/2009a/july/ 126334. htm.
  • 9Kurt M. Campbell, Nomination to be Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Washington, DC. June 10, 2009, http://www. state. gov/p/eap/rls/nn/2009/06/124554.htm.
  • 10“奥巴马特别助理:奥巴马不认为中国是‘必然威胁’”,http://www.chinanews.com.cn/gj/ywdd/news/2009/05-02/1673372.shtml.



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