§1.引言不可压Navier-Stokes(INS)方程在二维情况下可写为 ?u/?x+?v/?y=0,
An explicit finite difference scheme (ULWC) is presented first for the two-dimensionalconvection-diffusion equation. In the case of dominant convection, or smail diffusion, the stabi-lity condition of the scheme is essentially the one-dimensional CFL condition; the correspondingsteady-state scheme is independent of △t and is of second order accuracy, even for variablecoefficients and non-uniform mesh, while involving only immediate neighboring points. Thereare four versions of the scheme: S,N,W,E, depending on the characteristic of the convectionpart of the equation; the switching between any two versions is continuous. Since the scheme isbasically upwind, the limit on the cell Reynolds number in terms of spurious oscillation of thenumerical solution is not restrictive, and the convergence to steady state is expected to be fast.The scheme is applied to the sample problem of natural convection in enclosures, with P_r=0.71and Re=10~6, for preliminary testing. The numerical results confirm the properties of the sche-me. Finally, the potentiality of the scheme in the method of domain decomposition according toscales proposed by the author for slightly viscous flow calculation is stated.
Mathematica Numerica Sinica