
人类学的视角:昙石山遗址中若干民俗的再认识 被引量:1

An Anthropological Analysis of Several Folk Customs on Tanshishan Cultural Relics
摘要 昙石山遗址发掘的民俗遗迹表明,4000多年前,生活于靠山面海的优越环境中的昙石山人,不仅过着捕鱼、狩猎、拾贝的经济生活,而且园圃农业也有了相当的发展。与此相应,粮食作物在食物结构中也已经占据了主要的位置,煮制熟食已成为基本的饮食习惯。昙石山人的男性可能还流行过一种拔牙以示成年的仪式,这种习俗可能是缘于对获得社会地位和权利的一种考验。割肢葬遗迹表明,昙石山人已经懂得利用巫术对非正常死亡的灵魂加以控制,而大量破损颅骨则可能是昙石山人曾遭外族恐怖袭击的证据,显示了人类社会早期充满血腥的生存法则。 Tanshishan cultural relics are the important cultural relics of Neolithic Age in China. In this paper, the author will explore the social life of Tanshishan people through inspecting the historical remains of its cultural relics. In the author's opinion, the ancient Tanshishan people live on fishing, hunting and picking shellfish in the superior environment, and the gardening has also developed a lot. Accordingly, crops have occupied a major position in the structure of food, and cooking food has already become an eating habit; Tanshishan people may also have a popular ceremony to show being grown-up through pulling out a tooth in male group, this practice may be a test of the social status and rights; Tanshishan people have already known how to use witchcraft to Control the soul of non-normal deaths through the sites of cutting limbs burial , and the large number of broken skulls may be the evidence of Tanshishan people who have been horribly attacked by other clan , which shows the bloody principle of survival in the early society.
作者 钟伯清
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期34-39,共6页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 考古人类学 昙石山遗址 民俗 palaeo-anthropology Tanshishan cultural relics folk customs
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