Chouioia cunea Yang is a gregarious endoparasitoid of Hyphantria cunea (Drury). It passes its egg, larval, pupal and pre egg laying adult stages in the host pupa. The emerging adults also copulate inside the host pupa which is an empty shell after feeding by the parasitoid. Then a female bites a hole to come out, and all the other wasps usually follow her way through the hole. The females lay eggs soon after emergence by pricking host pupa with the ovipositor. The parasitoid larvae feed on haemolymph and organs in the host pupa. When the larvae mature, the materials inside the host pupa are all consumed. An average 244.5 individual wasps are reared from one host pupa with a high ratio of femalse (♀∶=45 ̄96∶1). Life span of female is 15 d at 21℃. In nature, the parasitoids over winter as mature larvae inside host pupa.
Chinese Journal of Biological Control