

Self Adaptive and Global Homeomorphic Grid Generation on a Square
摘要 给出了一种把任意维方形过渡域自适应映到最终计算域的映射;给出了此映射是全局同胚的充分性条件,以及对应此映射的数值网格生成迭代方法.用全局同胚自适应网格生成的例子进一步表明本文方法是实际可行的. In this paper,a mapping of a free dimensional square transition region to a square computational region is given.A sufficient condition making the mapping global homeomorphic is obtained.The iterative method for the generation of numerical grids depending on the mapping is presented.Finally,the present method is proved to be feasible with examples of generation of numerical grids.
出处 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1998年第1期49-53,共5页 Journal of Hohai University(Natural Sciences)
关键词 全局同胚映射 数值网格 自适应网格 流体动力学 global homeomorphic mapping numerical grid self adaptive grid
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  • 1王如云,河海大学学报,1997年,25卷,6期,15页
  • 2忻孝康,计算流体动力学,1989年,675页
  • 3朱季纳(译),多元非线性方程组迭代解法,1983年,126页
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