Notes of Major Events of CAFIU Exchanges ( From May to July )
1Notes of Major Events of CAFIU Exchanges[J].International Understanding,2001(2):28-30.
2Diarize some of the important events to be held both in China and in Africa in March’13[J].ChinAfrica,2012,4(12):60-60.
3Diarize some of the important events to be held both in China and in Africa in May’12[J].ChinAfrica,2012,4(2):60-60.
4Wen Desheng Xiao Lan.Notes of the Visit to Japan in August[J].International Understanding,2008(3):44-47.
5Notes for Readers & Contributors[J].US-China Law Review,2006,3(4).
6Notes for Readers & Contributors[J].Journal of US-China Public Administration,2005,2(8).
7Notes for Readers & Contributors[J].US-China Law Review,2005,2(12).
8Notes for Readers & Contributors[J].Journal of US-China Public Administration,2006,3(2).
9Notes for Readers & Contributors[J].US-China Law Review,2005,2(7).
10Fairs,Exhibitions & Conferences[J].ChinAfrica,2012,4(6):60-60.