本文利用南极地区20个站1958—1983年逐年逐月温度资料和同期南方涛动指数、北半球高度场资料及我国大范围温度和降水资料,对南极地区冷暖变化规律及其与北半球大气环流和我国夏季降水的关系进行了初步分析。发现南极地区的温度和南方涛动都存在准3年振荡,我国华北地区的夏季温度与前期和同期南极大陆的温度存在显著的遥相关。 当南极大陆夏季温度偏高时,翌年我国华北地区夏季降水往往偏多,东北地区夏季温度偏低,反之亦然。
A preliminary analysis is made on the pattern of temperature variation in Antarctic region and its relation with the general circulation of the Northern Hemisphere and the summer precipitation in China, by using the monthly temperature data of 20 stations in 1958-1983 in Antarctic region, the southern oscillation index of the same period, the upper-air data in the Northern Hemisphere and the temperature and precipitaition data of China.
The analysis shows that basing on the temporal and spatial temperature variation patterns in Antarctic region, the region could be divided into 3 climatic zones with different temperature variation patterns, mainly Antarctic continent, the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Pacific Ocean.Moreover, the warm and cool status in the Antarctic region could be indicated by the mean temperature of these 3 zones.The quasi 3-year oscillation cycle of the temperature variation in Antarctic regeion coincides with that of southern oscillation.Such an oscillation cycle is consistent with the features of the Northern Hemisphere circulation and the main oscillation cycle of precipitation in China.The most obvious feature is that the southern oscillation variation is preceded by the quasi 3-year temperature variation oscillation phase on Antarctic continent.
Taking this into consideration, the synoptic analysis is used to further study the re- lation between warm and cool status in Antarctica and the summer precipitation and temperture in the Northern Hemisphere. The summer precipitation in China has a significant teleconntion with the temperature on Antarctic contient preceding to and at the same period.It is more worthy to note that the heigher summer temperature in Antarctic continent means more precipitation in North China and lower temperature in northeast China in summer next yesr. It is also valid reversely.
The conclusions reached could provide not only the background and a supplementary means for long-ranee forecast of summer precipitation in China but also a supplementary basis for further studing the interaction between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere circulations.
This word is supported by National Committee for Antarctic Research.
Chinese Journal of Polar Research
Antarctica, temperature, China, weather, couple oscilation, multispectral analysis, delay correlation, remote correlation.