
不同人群药品不良反应认知度调查 被引量:21

Research of Public Cognition Degree for Adverse Drug Reaction of Different Populations
摘要 目的调查不同人群对药品不良反应相关知识的认知程度,为完善和促进药品不良反应监测工作提供依据。方法对社会公众、药品生产与经营单位的涉药人员、医疗机构医务人员进行药品不良反应认知度问卷调查,并对回收的有效调查表进行统计分析。结果本次调查共发放问卷3100份,回收有效问卷3026份。被调查人群中,了解药品不良反应的占95.3%,对药品不良反应的发生原因了解不确切的占64.7%,发生药品不良反应不知道应报告的占19.5%,不知道如何报告药品不良反应的占25.8%。另有近50%的被调查者认为需要提高药品不良反应相关知识,认为有必要进行药品不良反应的相关知识培训的占86.1%。结论应加强宣传教育,提高广大市民特别是医药企业和医疗机构专业人员的药品不良反应报告意识。同时,应强化药品监管部门职能,并与卫生行政部门共同推进药品不良反应监测相关法规的修订与完善,保障公众用药安全。 Objective To investigate the cognition degree on adverse drug reactions (ADR) of the different populations as to improve and promote the ADR monitoring. Methods A questionnaire was surveied and analyzed among the public, the people involved in production and management units for medicine and medical staff. Results Totally 3 100 questionnaires were collected and 3 026 of them were qualified and then were analyzed. 95.3% of the people who had been investigated knew the ADR, 64.7% didn't know the causes of the ADR, 19.5% didn't know that ADR should be reported, 25.8% didn't know how to report, Nearly 50% should be improved on ADR related knowledge, 86.1% believed that ADR relevant training was necessary. Conclusion Both propaganda and education should be strengthened to improve the ADR monitoring consciousness of all the people especially the pharmaceutical and medical professional staff. The medical administration and drug supervision departments should strengthen cooperation and push forward the revision of the ADR monitoring relevant laws and regulations, so as to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medication.
出处 《中国药物警戒》 2009年第3期147-151,共5页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
关键词 药品不良反应 认知 问卷调查 adverse drug reaction (ADR) cognition questionnaire investigation
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