
RH精炼炉用耐火材料及提高其寿命的途径 被引量:28

Refractories for RH degassers and ways of improving RH lining life
摘要 较系统地介绍、论述了以下内容:1)RH真空脱气精炼炉类型;2)RH精炼条件及侵蚀严重部位;3)造成一些部位侵蚀严重的原因分析,包括:高速循环流动钢液的冲刷,温度波动造成的热剥落与结构剥落,真空对镁铬砖的损害,铁硅酸性渣及脱硫粉剂对真空室下部、底部与喉口炉衬的侵蚀,浸渍管耐火衬最易蚀损的原因;4)用旋转圆柱体法、回转圆筒法及相图研究分析的结果,抑制熔渣渗入耐火材料,减轻结构剥落的途径;5)适合RH炉不同部位用的耐火材质与维修喷补料的研究、开发情况;6)RH炉精炼硅钢的过程与炉衬用耐火材料;7)提高RH炉炉衬寿命的途径。 This paper attempts to clarify the systematic works of the refractories for the RH degassers and the ways of improving RH lining life. It includes:( 1 )Types of RH degassers. (2)The operating conditions of refining and the severely damaged areas in RH degassers. (3)The reasions why side wall and bottom of lower vessel,throat and snorkels become the severe wear areas are analyzed, such as erosion and abrasion caused by the high circulation rate of treated molten steel,thermal and structural spalling by the violent temperature change, high corrosion by the Fe -oxides containing siliceous slag and CaF2-riched desulfu- rization powders attack, degradation of texture by the vaporisation of refractory components in vacuum and in oxygen blowing. Besides the above mentioned factors, another reason making the snorkels become the most quick wear elements is also explained. (4)The studies of resistance to refining slags attack and slag penetration and its prevention. The evaluation of various refractory materials to withstand the attack of slags is based on the experimental results of rotating cylinder method, rotary drum test and induction furnace test, and the phase diagrams analyses. The measures to reduce the slag penetration are discussed ,for example the depth of slag penetration can be decreased by reducing the size of brick pores. (,5)Suitable refractory materials selection and recent developments for the different severe wear areas in RH,and lining mainte- nance. (6) Refractories for RH to refine silicon steel. (7)The ways of improving RH lining life.
作者 陈肇友
出处 《耐火材料》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第2期81-95,共15页 Refractories
关键词 RH用耐火材料 抗炉渣侵蚀 镁铬砖 结构剥落 硅钢 Refractories for RH, Refine slag resistance, Magnesite - chrome brick, Structural spalling, Silicon steel
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