新生血管性青光眼(neovascular glaucoma,NVG)是一种破坏性强、失明率高的眼病。由于纤维血管组织在房角增生,导致小梁网阻塞,以及周边虹膜前粘连和进行性房角关闭,进而眼压升高,这种眼压升高通常难以控制并因之失明,因而新生血管性青光眼治疗较困难且效果不佳。目前随着人民生活水平的提高,糖尿病、高血压等疾病的发病率有逐年增高趋势,NVG的发病率也逐渐增高,但其治疗颇为棘手,是顽固性青光眼中疗效较差的一型,越来越受到人们的重视,对高危患者进行及时检查,尽早发现新生血管,采取有效的治疗措施是有效控制眼压和保留较好视力的关键。
Neovascular glaucoma is an eye disease which has devastating strong, and the high rate of the blind. It is difficult to control the angle of anterior chamber in the proliferation of vascular tissue, leading to blocked trabecular meshwork. As well as the surrounding iris former adhesion,angle closure, intraocular pressure, the intraocular pressure and therefore blind. So treatment of established neovascular glaucoma is difficult and often unsatisfactory. With the current improvement of people's lives, the incidence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other diseases have increased year by year. The incidence of NVG has gradually increased, but the treatment is difficult. Intractable glaucoma is in effect a less. More and more people pay attention to high-risk patients in a timely manner to carry out inspections, tt is an effective treatment to detect new blood vessels early, and to take effective measures. It is the key to control intraocular pressure and retain better vision.
International Eye Science