
临沂市地热地质条件及开发利用效益分析 被引量:11

Analysis on Geothermal Resource Condition and Its Development Benefit in Linyi City
摘要 临沂市地处鲁、苏两省交界处,是鲁南、苏北地区政治、经济与文化交流中心,具有良好的投资环境和强劲的经济发展活力。区内地热资源丰富,开发历史悠久,河东区汤头温泉早在北魏年间就有文字记载。近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,地热资源作为一种绿色能源,开发程度越发得以重视,取得了明显的社会、经济与环境效益。 Linyi city is the economical and the cultural center of Lunan and northern Jiangsu area. There are good investment environment and strong economical development vigor in this city. Geothermal resource is rich with a long exploration history. In recent years, accompanying with the society and economy development, exploitation of the geothermal resource is becoming more and more important as one kind of green energy. At the same time, the obvious society, economy and environment benefit have been obtained as well.
出处 《山东国土资源》 2009年第3期31-33,36,共4页 Shandong Land and Resources
关键词 地热 资源条件 开发效益 临沂 Geothermal resource resource condition development benefit Linyi city
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