Accounting information quality can be associated with corporate capital allocation efficiency in at least two ways. On one hand, high quality accounting information mitigates adverse selection costs by reducing the information asymmetry between the firm and investors, and among investors; on the other hand, high quality accounting information reduces agency problems between shareholders and management, which can then improve investment efficiency by increasing shareholder ability to monitor managers and thus improve project selection and reduce financing costs. Thus high quality accounting information can reduce both adverse selection and moral hazard by improving contracting and monitoring, and thus improve corporate capital allocation efficiency, but there has been little empirical evidence supporting this claim to date for our listed corporations. With the emerging and transitional institutional background of China, first we self-construct a composite proxy for accounting information quality using a simply averaged decile rank value methodology by three accounting-based attributes: accruals quality, conservatism and earnings smoothness using classic models such as Dechow & Dichev (2002) model, Ball & Shivakumar(2005) model and Jones(1991) model; second we construct corporate underinvestment and overinvestment as a proxy for corporate capital allocation efficiency using Richardson(2006)model; finally consistent with our hypothesis, we find proxies for accounting information quality are negatively associated with both corporate underinvestment and overinvestment of our listed corporation. In addition, in the negative relation between specific accounting information quality and corporate underinvestment and overinvestment, accruals quality and earnings smoothness are most significant. Therefore, we should develop our infrastructure for an economically efficient system of public financial reporting and disclosure, such as institutional investors and analysts, and further make systematic innovation to take accounting information's role of allocating capital better. Of course, we also put forward some problems such as measures of Accounting information quality and corporate capital allocation efficiency, which need us to further study.
Nankai Business Review
Accounting Information Quality
Capital Allocation Efficiency